Scuba Academy

WE Follow Strictly the Standards and Policies of every Association we teach with and certify to their Standards and the standards of Quebec Subaquatique FQAS.


The story of the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI) begins with a shared vision of what quality scuba training should be and a commitment to "Dive Safety Through Education."


Scuba Schools International (SSI) was established in 1970 with the vision of making it possible for anyone to learn how to dive safely. Today, SSI is the world’s largest professional business-based training agency, with 3,500+ Training Centers and over 100,000 SSI Professionals in 150+ countries.


From its humble beginning in 1994 to today, the group of training agencies Scuba Diving International (SDI), Technical Diving International (TDI), and Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) form one of the largest diving certification agencies in the World – International Training.


As a non-profit organization, our services cater to scuba divers, athletes, and the global underwater science community. We operate directly in the underwater environment and witness firsthand the consequences of our actions, making us acutely aware of the need for greater sustainability and environmental protection.

Explore our efforts and initiatives in promoting environmental protection and sustainability by delving into the mission of our Environment and Sustainability Area.


IDREO stands for International Diving Research and Exploration Organization and is a non-profit organization founded to share expedition, exploration and research information by the world's most active divers GLOBAL among which;

  • Cave divers;
  • Wreck divers;
  • Mine divers;
  • Expedition divers 
  • IDREO's goal is to actively link information from national agencies and forward projects in a tightly knit international platform.


DEF, Dive Explorer Foundation welcomes non divers interested in discovering the underwater world independently, while using the safest diving techniques.


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About NAUI

The National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI) began with a shared vision of what quality scuba training should be.

Recreational diving in North America traces its roots to 1948 with Jacques-Yves Cousteau and a self-contained underwater breathing unit he called the Aqua-Lung, but it wasn’t until the late 1960s that the term “scuba diver” became the accepted name for Aqua-Lung users.

In those early days, the only training a new diver received was the warning not to hold their breath. During the 1950s recreational dive clubs were the only source for training civilian divers but as the population of divers grew, the need to codify the training was also growing.

Al Tillman, the director of sports for Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation, established a training program sponsored by L.A. County to certify skin and scuba divers. In April 1955 they held the first Underwater Instructor Certification Course, (1UICC) and created the world’s first civilian diver training agency. The L.A. County program soon began granting Provisional Certification to instructors across the country to respond to a growing number of requests. The names of these newly certified instructors were published in “Skin Diver Magazine” under a column titled National Diving Patrol.

In 1959 the National Diving Patrol was renamed the National Association of Underwater Instructors (NAUI). In August 1960, a meeting of the Underwater Society of America was scheduled to be held in Houston, Texas. NAUI’s first Instructor Certification Course was held at the Houston’s Shamrock Hilton Hotel that August with 72 candidates.

But NAUI is not only history; it is also the future. NAUI is its members. Our Association continues to grow as we promote “Dive Safety Through Education”, the same motto established in 1960 as the guiding principle of NAUI's mission. NAUI members are known and respected all across the industry for the quality of their teaching, concern for the individual student, and safety awareness. Even as we grow, we remain a real association of members who share common values and a trust in one another’s commitment to our motto. There has never been a better time to become a NAUI leader or instructor. As scuba diving continues to grow in popularity and in the number of participants, your decision to earn the right to join NAUI will be one for which you can always be proud.

A Good Training is the Foundation for becoming a Safe Diver.

At AQUAPROS we follow Strictly the Standards of every Dive Association.
