Closed Circuit Rebreather Diving

Diving with a rebreather opens up a completely new dimension for underwater sport. The diver can get much closer to the maritime life since the unit does not create air bubbles. Specifically, photographers value this. And thanks to the lack of bubbles when using the rebreather, it is the first time for many to experience the silent world of the sea.

AQUAPROS wants to spread the rebreather idea further with its Rebreather-Academy in Mirabel. This location does not only have trainers on site, who can teach every diver the handling of the rebreather according to TDI/IDREO standards from user to instructor. The Academy is also open to diving instructors from all over the world – against a fee – to teach their own students.

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Discover the Depths with AquaPros: Closed Circuit Rebreather Diving in Canada 

This is the home page of AquaPros that offers you the best Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) diving services in Canada. Diving enthusiasts, buckle up for our DIY closed circuit scuba rebreather systems, availed to you by pioneers of the advanced diving technology space. Experience diving, stay submerged for longer and go further into the waters with AquaPros. 

What is CCR Diving? 

Closed Circuit Rebreather (CCR) diving is considered to be one of the pinnacle point of scuba technology that delivers the divers one of the types of the diver experience. Thus, CCR systems reuse the diver’s breath, in contrast to OCS scuba equipment, which releases exhalations into the water. This not only saves the breathing gas but allows for much longer bottom times and tremendous reduction in gas usage. CCR diving is ideal for those who wish to take their diving to the next level and go deeper, stay longer underwater and make less bubbles. 

The pros of using closed circuit rebreather for diving 

  • Extended Bottom Times: It is especially important of CCR diving that one is able to use it to increase your bottom time. Thus, CCR systems indefinitely recycle the gas that was exhaled and, therefore, enables divers to stay underwater for significantly more time than using open circuit systems. This means with the new materials and technology available divers can spend more time discovering the beautiful coral reefs, sunken ships, and cryptic marine life. 

  • Reduced Gas Consumption: Closed circuit rebreathers are very effective. The major advantage of the system is that the breathing gas is returned back to the surface; divers therefore consume comparatively small quantities of oxygen and the other mixed gases. This efficiency makes CCR diving to be preferred particularly where the diving operations are long and deeper where gas would be a critical issue. 

  • Decreased Decompression Obligations: Due to such features, CCR systems are complex systems that enable divers to breath through a precise mixture of gases all through the time spent under the water. This leads to a decrease of the number of decompression stops making the dives less risky and comfortable. 

  • Silent Diving: Closed circuit rebreathers do not make bubbles on the water and that means they are also very quiet. This makes interferes with marine life to a lesser extent compared to its other counterparts enabling those interested in closely observing the creatures to do so. It is most advantageous to photographers and marine biologists because the latter can photograph or videotape interesting subjects without disturbing them in the process. 

  • Improved Buoyancy Control: With no bubbles being expelled, buoyancy control becomes easier and more stable. This enhanced control allows divers to maneuver more precisely and maintain a consistent depth, which is especially beneficial when exploring delicate environments or conducting research.

CCR Diving with AquaPros 

We at AquaPros love the idea of offering the best CCR diving services to our clients. Our team comprises highly qualified staff that will do everything to make sure that you enjoy the diving to the fullest. At our store you can find only the best closed circuit scuba rebreather systems, from recreational level to the technical one. 

Message From The Management: The Safety And Quality Of Our Services. 

Firstly, safety is one of the most important concerns that AquaPros always pays attention to. Further to this, we make sure that all out CCR diving equipment is well serviced and thoroughly checked on a regular basis to guarantee safety. Our highly trained instructors make it their purpose to always be present and ready to help, to guarantee your divergence meets the ideal amounts of fun and safety. 

Explore Canada's Underwater Treasures 

The geography of Canada allows the country to have many diverse bodies of water and beautiful dive locations ideal for CCR. From the rich Pacific coastal waters up to the eerie aqua Great Lakes there is never a drought of things to see in this underwater world. At AquaPros you will have fun and enjoy exciting trips where you will be about to explore the depths and learn about mystery of the waters of Canada. 

Join the AquaPros Community 

In addition to receiving a service from a professional AquaPros, customers become part of a dynamic and active divers’ community. We offer numerous diving trips, events, and expeditions; that way, you can meet other divers, communicate and learn new things. Whether you are already a CCR diver or you have just started your closed circuit rebreather diving, you will be embraced by a great number of people like minded at AquaPros. 

Join AquaPros and go through an exciting ride of closed circuit rebreather diving and Other benefits that you stand to gain. Encounter the ocean’s secrets in greater detail for a longer amount of time with the help of CCR systems. Come to AquaPros where the depths are. 

For further details, to rent equipment or organize the next CCR diving trip in Canada, please, go to AquaPros. We use the word Future in the literal sense, it is indeed time to dive in! 
