
GUE Courses

Recreational Diver Level 1 WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? Diving is unlike any other water sport. It allows you to be a part of the u...

Recreational Diver Level 2 WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? There is so much of the underwater world for you to explore. There are thou...

Recreational Diver Level 3 WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? You are hooked now; it is not a love for diving anymore, it is an obsession...

GUE Fundamentals WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? The GUE Fundamentals course is by far GUE’s most popular program. It ...

DPV Diver 1 WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? Being a diver means exploring new underwater territories, and with an under...

Doubles Primer WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? Venturing into more advanced underwater environments is very often related ...

Drysuit Primer WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? If you want to spend more time in-water by extending bottom times, increasi...

Technical Diver Level 1 WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? Recent increased ocean exploration at greater depths has revealed a variety...

Technical Diver Level 2 WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? Advanced underwater missions beyond 50 m/170 ft require a robust skillset, ...

CCR 1 WHY TAKE THIS COURSE? GUE’s Closed-Circuit Rebreather Diver Level 1 course is intended to p...

Sidemount Sidemount diving is a variation of scuba diving whereby a diver carries all their scuba equipment on...
